Wednesday, November 5, 2008

No More Excuses

It was indeed an historical night this November 4th Tuesday of 2008. Americans can thank the results and the media for several things in reference to the election also. And while some of those things may be as negative as they are advantageous, there is one specific idea that every American can view as a positive result of this election. The racial barrier has been jettisoned and specifically, nobody can use race as an excuse for social, economic, or political advantage. It is a done deal. America has spoken.

But this election was never really about race. Oh sure, the media would have us believe that race played a huge part and where voting is concerned it probably did. However, those that voted strictly upon racial issues may have been misguided and forgotten about what Corporate America might have wanted all along. Demographics would point to a large percentage of young people voting the race card also; and, this specifically points to the possibility of a generation skillfully manipulated by a bought and paid for President via Corporate America.

Bought and paid for? Absolutely. There is no argument or discussion that can deny the hitherto unprecedented spending implemented by the Obama campaign. And the money had to come from somewhere. Unfortunately a lot of people did not know where to look to cut through the shiny speeches and glossy cliches.

But in the end we should all rejoice because this election has erased race as an excuse throughout the social, economic, and political world. Thus, it might be prudent for a whole lot of people to get off their butts and finally do some work.

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